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Canada Employment Preparation 1. Dental Treatment

7 years ago, I started orthodontics. It had teeth grinding and was helped with orthodontics, but it started again three years ago.

I'm using a fixed orthodontic device. My plan is to remove the fixed orthodontic device before departure and purchase a flexible orthodontic device.

(In Canada, hospital expenses are burdensome, so I need to get dental treatment, prevent cavities, and make a healthy condition.)

Four dental treatments have already begun. Fortunately, i can use dental insurance. I expected more than 80% of the compensation. I don't know the exact amount of compensation.

I search videos about brushing my teeth on YouTube. The result of getting 10 views is to clean well with will and use floss.

(In fact, today's homestay, tuition, and job counseling have changed my mood.(Worried, money...) Now I'm trying my best.)

Oh, I almost forgot. My last crown dental treatment teeth discoloration. Causes neurotherapy material selection problems or neurotherapy teeth absorption of dead blood

Add a reason for orthodontics. Time elapsed after molar extraction below Change molar crown after array calibration