It's finally Monday. It's Monday that I've been waiting for. What's going to happen? Please, close distance, high pay! Or hometown! Two jobs possible! 3 jobs possible!
I woke up after sleeping. I got a call from a company near my house that the application will be closed on Wednesday.
I went to the dentist today. I finished dental treatment.
I talked to my mom on the phone. I said, "I didn't get an interview. The application deadline is tomorrow. There's a company that closes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday." "Mom doesn't know the process, so what's the deadline?" she asked me.
She only did her own small business. I said I was looking for job ads, applying for resumes, offering interviews, getting a job and going to work.
I lived apart for a long time and she doesn't know many things about me. I sometimes feel uncomfortable talking to people who have different lives. They try to speak without their own efforts or be explained for granted what they don't know, and they don't understand that it's different from other people's personal lives and their use of time. Personal privacy and time should be respected so that mine can be respected as well.
I want to live without seeing and listening to them.
In particular, many Korean men have strange ideas even before the Joseon Dynasty. There is still a problem with the idea of Namjonyeobi, which is still deeply rooted.