February 23

For some people, why should they live in Korea?

Should I not go to work tomorrow? It seems difficult to talk to them. I just want to hear from another company as soon as possible. How long will the humor code or conversation code be fun to talk to when other people get close? I don't want to put my mind to the short close feeling.
내일 출근 하지 말까? 그들과 대화를 하기가 어려운 것 같다. 아무래도 빠른 다른 회사의 연락을 바랄 뿐이다. 유머코드나 대화코드가 다른사람들끼리 친해지면 대화 즐거움 시간은 얼마일까? 짧은 가까운듯한 느낌에 마음쓰기 싫다.

I woke up from my sleep. I checked my debt since morning. My financial situation is not good. Why is Korea doing this to me? It is said that a beggar is stuck with someone passing by.
난 잠에서 깨어 났다. 아침부터 빚을 확인했다. 내 재정상태가 좋지 않다. 한국은 나에게 왜 그러는 걸까? 누군가 지나 가는 말로 거지가 붙었다고 한다. 

The choice to find life before coming to Seoul is a Canadian business course.

The application for my hometown company will be closed from today.

I can get a call from the company. When? Give me a call!

I decided to start paying for Canada next month. The more I delay, the more I seem to have lingering feelings about Korea.
다음달엔 캐나다 결제를 시작하기로 결정 했다. 내가 지체할수록 한국에 미련이 있는 사람으로 보여지는 것 같다.

Korea is dangerous and doesn't understand other people. It's more like a communist country. Forcing them to think. Koreans interfere with each other so much.
한국은 위험하고 생각이 다른사람을 이해 하지 않아. 오히려 공산국가 같아. 자기들 생각을 강요하는. 한국사람들끼리 심하게 간섭해.

I have an ICDL test this week, but the price is expensive and I couldn't study because of my poor health. I have to decide tomorrow. I prepare a business course in Canada.

Because i want to my life