March 11

I took classes yesterday, and today I'm interviewing for a part-time job on weekdays. The result is tomorrow. Education continues.

I didn't have a diary yesterday because I couldn't sleep all night and didn't want to write it.

I have to remember the day when I couldn't sleep all night for an unknown reason.

One day, I'll know why.
언젠가 그 이유를 알 수 있겠지

Somebody tell me.
누가 좀 알려줘요.

Today, I look forward to the day I leave the translator and read English.
번역기를 벗어나는 날을 기대하며 오늘도 영어적고 읽기.

I will buy level 1 in Canada tomorrow. When can I buy a plane ticket and leave?

If you say sexual desire is love, if mating, sexual desire, and love are the same, then all family love is sex?
성욕을 사랑이라고 말하고, 짝짓기와 성욕, 사랑을 같다고 하면 가족의 사랑은 모두 섹스? 

If you say, "If you write down and think like that, you have no one!" I have nothing to say but to leave Korea.
만약 당신이 "당신이 그렇게 쓰고 생각한다면, 당신은 아무도 없어요!"라고 말한다면, 나는 한국을 떠나는 것 외에는 할 말이 없다.

If the new place I'm going to is the same as you, I'll find a new place again.
만약 내가 가는 곳이 너와 같다면, 나는 다시 새로운 장소를 찾을 거야.