March 5

I was notified of my work today. Fortunately, I caught a Job.
오늘은 출근 통보를 받았다. 다행히 잡을 잡았다. 

It is different from the previous work, but it is a call center related to bank tellers and FP who studied during the first blank period.
이전 했던 업무와 다르지만 첫번째 공백기간동안 공부했던 은행텔러와 FP와 관련이 있는 콜센타.

I want to work for a long time, but I rent a house for about a year.
길게 근무하고 싶지만 집 렌탈이 1년 남짓이다.

I felt a quiet atmosphere and calm employees, but I don't know what my work ability would be like. I peeked and the book is thick.
조용한 분위기와 차분한 직원들을 느꼈는데 나의 업무 능력이 어떨지 모르겠다. 슬쩍 봤는데 책이 두껍다.

I said it's okay because it's Korean and thought it was a new thick book.
나는 한글이니까 괜찬다 라고 말하고 전혀 새로운 두꺼운 책이다 라고 생각했다.

Thicker than the certificate book I was preparing...

When asked if you would stay for a long time in the interview, i answered yes and thought, 1 year.

What do you mean three years? I thought it was not a country to sit on the sidelines of wandering around the world for nearly four years. You know there's a problem, and you hear it.

Three years of my life. I thought it was not an ideal country if I stayed on the sidelines for almost four years knowing that I could hear their voices interrupting my life.

If I can't stand it, I'll leave. I think they're a team, and I don't know the number. Sound of the environment
내가 견딜 수 없다면 떠나야지. 그들은 팀인거 같고 그 숫자는 알 수 없으니까. 환경의 소리

If I can't stand it, I'm just going to leave. I'm already 500 in debt, but if I add long-term rental debt to it, it's 80 million won, but I'm thinking of starting with 30 million won more. They laugh and I cry. I don't know who's right.