I needed a change of mood


지인 웨딩사업하는데 지나가다 우연히
보고 찾는데 없었다. 그리고 집에와서 
찾은 사진. 그리고 쏟아지는 생각.
질문이 맞는 표현인가? 이기적인 그들의 표현이
이해되지 않았다. 결혼이란 것을 사전에서 찾아
보았다. 사전의 상식과 다른 표현. 적을 수 없어.
결론은 미국집 힌트를 알아보았다.
결혼에 대해 아빠 돌아가시고 가족이 필요하다는
생각이 들어 스스로의 생각을 의심했다.
주위에 물어봤다. 사례가 있는 생각들 이라고 했다.

Wedding photo. I happened to see a wedding dress while passing by my acquaintance's wedding business. And the picture I found when I got home. It's not similar And pouring thoughts.

Is the question correct? Their selfish expressions

I didn't understand Find out in advance that it's marriage.

I saw it Common sense and other expressions in the dictionary. I can't write

In conclusion, I found a hint of the American house.

I doubted my own thoughts because I thought my father died and needed a family about marriage.

I saw it Common sense and other expressions in the dictionary. I can't write

In conclusion, I found a hint of the American house.

I doubted my own thoughts because I thought my father died and needed a family about marriage.

I asked around. I said that there are ideas that appear in the drama.

I woke up at 5 a.m. The reason is that I can't get a resume that I applied to Seoul in my dream! I heard that. I took a shower and set off the trip. The area is Hoengseong, Gangwon-do. I read a book for three hours, ate, went for a walk, and came back home. And I took a long way around the house.

나태주시인의 시. 가곡을 우연히 듣고 시를 노래로 만들었다는 것을 알았다. 시집은 어려워서 읽지 않았다. 흥미롭지 않아. 따분한데 짜증만 밀려오는 느낌. 기분 전환이 필요했고 시를 검색했다. 나에게 두번의 이슈는 검색할 만했다.

Poetry of a poet in Na Tae-joo. I found out that I accidentally listened to a song and made a poem into a song. I didn't read the marriage because it was difficult. It's not interesting It's boring, but I feel like I'm getting annoyed. I needed a change of mood and searched for a poem. For me, I could search for two issues.

유학을 가면 자고 싶지 않은 사람과 자야 할 수 있잖아. 괜찮아? 유학 가면 무조건 그런겁니까? 미드무료로 보고 책에 좀 쌓여있다 생각해도 되나요? 묻고 싶네요
If you go to study abroad, you can sleep with someone you don't want to sleep with. Are you okay ? Is it definitely like that when you go to study abroad? Can I watch it for free and think it's piled up in the book? I want to ask