February 28

[엑셀] 실수를 정수로 표현하기

February 27

February 26

February 25

February 24

February 23

february 22

February 20 & February 21

February 19

February 18

360 330 1800 240 $3400 ₩31,000,000

other things, other other other other. i don't like other they

Cat microchip and absenteeism.

Don't ask me for plastic surgery!

i want for own time!


Is it culture?

I'm allergic to pork!

Interview! I need money to go to Canada! and my mom

What is this? CBC gem!

캐나다 가는 돈 벌기 힘들다

Envy and jealousy are different. Starting with the letters.

캐나다 통신사 통신비 가성비 알아보기

캐나다 가는 돈 모으기

캐나다 취업으로 가는 길

캐나다 취업 하기 전 치과치료 시작

캐나다에서 고양이랑 같이 살 수 있을까?

캐나다 취업 준비 과정